Public Law

The Public Law curriculum deals with training in the field of public institutions, constitutional systems, fundamental rights, public services and the functions of public administration. The young scholars enrolled in the PhD acquire skills in research and scientific production, in the interpretation of legislation and case law, in the design of guidelines and public interventions.

Reference teacher:
Luisa Cassetti
Università degli Studi di Perugia - Web page

Relevant PhD students
Almeida Lage Leonardo (XXXIII)
Filippi Silvia (XXXIII)
Chioccioni Beatrice (XXXIV)
Felix Ferreira Fabiana (XXXIV)
Rotolo Stefano (XXXIV)
Matarazzi Daniele (XXXV)


Construction of Legal Traditions

The construction of legal traditions PhD Programme is aimed at shaping a particular kind of legal experts, deeply involved in global scenarios, able to discuss with jurists from different parts of the world and to work in interdisciplinary research groups. Participants are involved in the activities of the “Health, Environment and Territory” Law Clinic, which deals with cases concerning private law, international law, public law and EU law issues. The programme promotes conferences and seminars with European and overseas scholars and participates in the organisation of the annual local Summer School and the Semaine Doctoral Intensive at Sciences Po Paris, which bring together professors and researchers from major universities around the world.

Reference teacher:
Maria Rosaria Marella
Università degli Studi di Perugia - Web page

Relevant PhD students
Cestini Gregorio (XXXIII)
Stancati Sveva (XXXIV)
Francioni Glenda (XXXIV)
Micillo Francesco (XXXV)


Judicial Protection of Rights and Interests and Freedom of Competition

The curriculum, within the process of European and transnational integration, is aimed at deepening the issues related to the protection of «situazioni giuridiche soggettive» (legal entitlements in jural relations), both in the Italian context and the European and global ones. Legal protection is investigated in the different legal disciplines gathered in the curriculum, both within the substantive and procedural context. The PhD Programme provides for didactic activities common to all participants, but there are also specific individual training activities, with particular reference to stays abroad to encourage the study of languages and different legal systems.

Reference teacher:
Annalisa Giusti
Università degli Studi di Perugia - Web page

Relevant PhD students
Dell’Omarino Martina (XXXIII)
Serio Simone (XXXIII)
Brancati Maria Giovanna (XXXIV)
Martani Costanza (XXXIV)
Barafani Marta (XXXV)
Spina Michele (XXXV)